Eco Warrior Butchers…..

Eco Warrior Butchers…..

Times are changing and even good old fashioned butchers like us have to get with the programme. We might not quite be wearing mung bean sandals but we’re still working hard to do our best to improve our green credentials and minimise the  impact we’re having upon our beloved planet.

We have been working hard taking lots of steps to be as environmentally friendly as we can – and it is fantastic that some of our valued customers are taking extra steps to help us along the way. Here are some of the examples of the work we are doing

All bones and animal waste is recycled and even used in the production of electricity

We recycle all our paper, cardboard and plastic where possible and work with a local company to have this recycled in the most efficient way – reducing food miles

We source as much of our produce from small local farms in and around Northumberland which means the meat we sell has fewer food miles than any supermarket meat… and tastes much better too!! Another bonus is we are ALWAYS able to tell you where the meat has come from.

Our customers are bringing their own tubs and packaging into the shop for us to fill – reducing the use of plastic bags

We now charge for our carrier bags – as we have invested in biodegradable carrier bags

We sell hard wearing large hessian bags which look great and if you spend £50 you get one for free!

Our items are available to buy individually – which in turn reduces food waste – if you only wanted to buy 1 sausage that isn’t a problem –

Everything is hand made on site and we make to keep up with demand, reducing waste

What’s next……

We are looking at ways to create a ‘heat recovery’ system that uses the energy from our fridges to heat our hot water

Replacing all our lights with LED to reduce usage and become more efficient

Working with our refrigeration specialists to ensure the fridges are working as efficient as they can be

Looking to introduce doors onto our multi deck fridges to reduce our input